In the Presence of Adi Da Samraj

Adidam online studiegroepen

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Het programma bestaat uit geleide meditatie en recitaties van Adi Da’s onderricht, video’s van vraag-en-antwoord gelegenheden en tijd voor vragen en delen.

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Vanessa Kenoyer

Vanessa Kenoyer

Vanessa has been a formal devotee of Avatar Adi Da for over twenty years. She lived and served around Adi Da when He was physically in the Body, and has continued to do so with His living Presence.
She currently resides at Adi Da Samrajashram in Fiji and travels regularly from there to share the direct relationship with Avatar Adi Da to all.

Michael Shaw

Michael Shaw

Michael Shaw has been a devotee of Adi Da Samraj for 45 years, and has served His Divine Presence on His Hermitage island of Naitauba for most of that time. He was present during the many years of Avatar Adi Da’s consideration about all aspects of spiritual life, and happily passes on that Wisdom when traveling and speaking. Michael has a wealth of stories about life in the Divine Company of the Adept-Realizer Adi Da Samraj from his many years of serving Adi Da directly.