Because It Is Reality Itself, My Divine Avataric Teaching-Revelation and My Divine Avataric Transcendental Spiritual Self-Transmission are usable and Realizable by all beings, and even by every “thing”.
My Teaching-Revelation is actually a process, not merely a verbal Communication.
~ The Aletheon
The Teaching Revelation & Spiritual Wisdom Of Avatar Adi Da
In more than sixty books addressing every aspect of human, Spiritual, and Divine life, Avatar Adi Da created a completely new and revelatory Teaching. You can begin to explore this unique treasure of illumination by following the links below to several of Avatar Adi Da’s books, CDs and DVDs.
Introductory Books
The Reality-Way of Adidam
The Divine Process That Outshines All Seeking in the Perfect Freedom of Reality Itself
This book is written for those who are moved to learn about the way of life Adi Da Samraj has given.
The Gift of Truth Itself
The Ever-Living Means Whereby Everyone Can Realize Truth, or Perfect Happiness
This slim volume speaks directly to everyone’s innate heart-intuition of Truth and Reality: offering a penetrating analysis of human suffering and the liberating expression of the process of utter Freedom and Happiness.
Practical Life–Wisdom
The Complete Yoga of Human Emotional-Sexual Life
A summary of Avatar Adi Da’s instruction on emotional-sexual matters—including His instruction on transcending negative sex-patterning, emotional immaturity, and all forms of seeking through sex and intimate relationships.
The Yoga of Right Diet
An Intelligent Approach To Dietary Practice That Supports Communion with the Living Divine Reality.
Comprised of summary Instruction on dietary practice and “radical” healing given by His Divine Presence, Adi Da Samraj.
Easy Death
Spiritual Wisdom on the Ultimate Transcending of Death and Everything Else.
Whether you are approaching your own death, facing the death of a loved-one, or are simply wanting to understand the purpose of this brief and mortal life, you need more than mere consolation or philosophy. A most extraordinary and unique help is available to you in the pages of this book.
More books of Adi Da Samraj are available on the Adidam Europe Bookshop including some available translations into different languages. You can also order CD’s and DVD from our Adidam bookshop.