Program – The European Danda
The program will include:
- Unique audio and video excerpts of Avatar Adi Da speaking
- Indepth considerations of how Avatar Adi Da is present in our lives
- Stories, questions, and discussion with long-time devotees of Avatar Adi Da in small group settings.
- Meditations and recitations
- Sacred Music offerings and chanting occasions
- Contemplative walks in the woods of the European Danda
- Yoga and Chi Kung
- Tasty vegetarian meals!
The cost for the retreat is 475 euro including (vegetarian) meals and accommodation.
The retreat will start on Monday July 24th at 10am and will end Sunday July 30th at 11:30am. If you come from far and have a long travel time there is the possibility to arrive and stay at the European Danda for the Sunday night July 23rd. We charge 30 euro’s for the extra night including breakfast.
We can take personal financial situations into account. Please send us an email at info@adidam.eu if the retreat fee is too challenging for you, and we can consider a possible discount. We don’t want money to prevent people from participating.
The European Danda
Annendaalderweg 10
6105 AT Maria Hoop
The Netherlands
De Roos Amsterdam
Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat 183
1071 BW Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Adidam Center Berlin
Pestalozzistrasse 39
10627 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Travel Info – The European Danda
The closest airports are Schiphol Amsterdam, Eindhoven Airport, Dusseldorf (Germany)
The closest railway stations are Echt (Netherlands), Heinsberg or Geilenkirchen (Germany).
For a reasonable fee we can arrange pick up service at one of the trainstations or Eindhoven airport.